I like how you've integrated such broadly spread out concepts into one structure. The section about how individuals from group A and group B talk past each other reminded me of a thought I had a few years ago about the way bacteria coordinate action via species-identifying chemicals that they use to measure their relative concentration in an area: https://havealittlethink.com/2020/03/07/330/ — Similarly, humans use language (among other means such as fashion) to claim group membership, often without being fully aware of the larger mechanism.

Your post is from 2022, but I hope to read more from you in the future.

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I enjoyed this post, and hope you get around to writing the follow up post mentioned at the end of the blog. I find your way of thinking of egregores interesting, though you use that word in a more broad scoped way than I personally do. I’m also curious to hear more about how your synesthesia has influenced your sociocultural framework and thoughts about the human sensory interface

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I finally got around to reading it. I have to admit, you sort of lost me right away with "abstract entities," especially "abstract entities" that have behavior. I tend to consider an abstraction a sort of subjective projection and compression of a part of reality, not an entity with some kind of volition. So there's a difficulty with terminology there.

As an aside, I had about 20 rats between 1980 and 2000. I love the little guys. I would get more, but honestly to treat them the way I think they should be treated (ie, pampered shamelessly) would just take too much of my time now.

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Nov 28, 2022·edited Nov 28, 2022

Abstraction is also used to mean a concept. Are you gonna say corporations aren't abstractions? They are and they have wills, they decide on what they want and they execute it.

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